Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just Say NO!

OK peeps!
I am tellin' ya all rite now!!
I have gotten you links and emails and requests. While I appreciate you wanting me to join, I just can't.
I am not that strong. I would be addicted in no time. I know it...I love to talk, observe, gossip, and so on and so on...
But, I have too many children that might starve and then CPS would be at my door and it would be so embarrasing to have to say, " I am so sorry, but my new Facebook friends needed me and I couldn't make snacks today." I don't think that would go over very well.
I think it is fine for whomever can manage it, but when you opt out and some of the options for cancelling are:
Causing marraige problems
Emtional distress
Realtionship problems
Interferring with work
Interferring with real life realationships
Having truoble connecting to people in real life situations.
Does anyone else see a problem here?>?>?
Just wondering.

I know this because Trey had one. Work asked him to set one up. It drove him nuts...
He can't not sit still or listen to just random things. It has to have purpose or a goal in sight. So I laughed when he set it up and told him he would hate it. I laughed again when he cancelled it.
Me, I would eat it up with a spoon.
I am so nosy and would love to be in everybody's business. See! Not good for me... B_A_D.

I am just heeding the red flags. Everyone one I have read and talked to that has a Facebook acct. says how "time addicting" it is. So for me, I have to "just say no!"
So, I have to be old school and have ya email or text or actually even, the caveman way -call me.

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