Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To Everything Turn Turn Turn

The older I get the more I understand some of the lines in that song.

The first leaf of fall fell in my yard on Sunday. I thought it to be quite symbolic of my life right now. A whole new season of my life is about to begin. Seeing that leaf was was just conformation of that.
The is a turn, a new season, a new "purpose under heaven" to which God is working out.
I would not have thought I few weeks ago, that I was prepared or ready, but sure enough, I am. I am so ready to take the next step into another chapter of my life. I am ready to become more than I am today. And more than I will be tomorrow. And the next. I am ready to grow.

PS. sorry that that song is now stuck in your head(for those of you older enough to know it...)
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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Final Countdown

Well, another countdown. It's 24 days til we move. It hit me today. We really are moving. AND I REALLY HAVE A LOT TO DO!!! That's not much time to get it all done.

Trey is fine and made it through the hurricane. He had power where he was and all was fine. It was a mess around him. But he was good. Praise! I guess he is officially "broken in." I hope I miss my turn. Scary!
5 days til we see him. We are going down Friday. I can't wait to see him!!!

So I have been really sad this week. I feel like ties and bonds are breaking here. Relational doors seem to be closing. In a way I feel like our relationships are drying up. I am not sure if it's an attack or God making it easier when we do leave. I am not sure I am prepared. But I know, He will not let me down and will prepare the way for me there. It's hard to let go.
For weeks, there was such a hightened excitement here. People helping me decorate. People helping fix up our house. People so sad we were leaving. People wanting to spend time with us before we go. Now, It just seems like the emotions have faded. And here we are and there everyone else is. Our life is going to dramatically change and all of theirs just goes back to another day of their life.
I am full of regret for all the relationships I didn't put more effort into. The parties I didn't attend. The time I wasted. All the wrong words I have said. All the negative self images that kept me from diving into life. I feel like I missed out on so much here due to my own imaturity and fears. (I know that in one reason He is moving us-to grow me in these areas)
It has been a big lesson to take the time to let people in and to learn to put myself out there too.

I feel like my hand has been so closed tight this week. I feel like I am not ready to let go of anything right now. I feel sad and anxious and lonely, very lonely. Even inside my own house. It's such a strange feeling. The worse part is, I know the more I hold onto, the less He can put in my hand to receive. I know it, but I can't seem to do it. Not this week anyway.

His mercies are new everyday. Tomorrow is another day and another lesson.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


YAY!! YAY!! YAY!!!
We have an accepted offer on our house! Whew! What a relief...Now we are Houston bound..

We still have to get through the option period to be all out of the woods, but i am sure it will be fine.
I am just can't wait to get there, and see God's plan unfold and to see all that is planned for us.

I am just so excited I can't hardly stand it.

I could just ramble on and on and on. WOO HOO!!!

On a different note, SARAH PALIN IS A ROCK STAR!
She is a stud!! I am so proud of someone in the Republican party finally calling black as black, and white as white. All the grey was was driving me crazy!! A real republican!!! Someone not afraid to call is like it is...
What a woman! I can't even begin to imagine the responsibilities she is taking on above the everyday depands of motherhood!
I am really proud to have a nominee that came across as a woman, not a woman trying to be a man(like someone else we know...)
I thought she was direct and to the point. She was brave, strong, graceful, and fearless in her attacks. She topped it all off with a neat bow with a mother's touch. Well done!!
That's my soap box for now...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


No, I haven't moved yet. No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, and NO, I am not huddled in my closet in a heap of tears(not today anyway!)

Things have been a "ROLLA-COSTA" for sure around here lately.

Trey came home this weekend, which was GREAT! It was a small dose of him, but a well needed booster shot. We all had a great time together. There was such a sense of calm from everyone. It was just peace.

We thought we had 3 incoming offers on our house and then it slowly dwindled to one. A very low one. Then out of the blue we were back up to 2. Now back to one, but they have come up more than we thought they would. It's still not as much as we would like, but we just have to take what we can get so we can get out here and be all together. They have agreed to everything we asked, so we are just trying to get to an agreeable price. Keep praying...hopefully today!!!

The kids had a long week at school. They have the greatest teachers, Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Kinsey. There was high drama for Logan, because she didn't even have one friend in her class, but she seems fine now. She adores Mrs. Watson so that seemed to make up for it...

Caden loves Mrs. Kinsey. They were exhausted last week.

So let's see how good your emotional math is...

If you have 4 children who have slept in all summer, 1 Dad who left for Houston on Thursday, 1 night of meet the teacher(minus 1 Dad) 1 first day of school(minus 1 Dad), 5 early morning days in week(minus 1 Dad-you get the picture). 3 kids in one room(will explain later) 1 mom with 2 hands and 2 arms to love and only 1 mom with an overloaded brain, numerous and too many to count emotions, what would your week look like???!!!

We are hanging in there and this week is better. We are getting in the swing of things and taken things one day at a time.
Going along with my header of "The Opened Handed Life", there have been many things I have been holding on to this week. And many things I have received from My God.

His Mercies Are New Everyday! Thank Goodness...