Heres another chance to win.!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Super cool give away!
good luck guys. Hoping I win though... :)
good luck guys. Hoping I win though... :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
freebies and good gift ideas...
This is a great website with lots of great freebies and good Christmas ideas.
I have really had a good time getting goodies in the mail! Enjoy!
The button is on here too!
I have really had a good time getting goodies in the mail! Enjoy!
The button is on here too!
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Valleys
This is how I feel about our move. I have much more to write about our move, but this is a glimpse.
This is how I feel about our move. I have much more to write about our move, but this is a glimpse.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Quiet Time
What's that?
As of late, my life still remains in a whirlwind. I pured my heart out the other day to my dear friend Angela. She always make me feel better. I told her how I was struggling in many areas and finding that quiet time was one of them. Of course after 2 hours on the phone I felt better and felt understood.
She sent me this link today and it really sums up our conversation. Of course, we were not quite this elegant, and well spoken...but we got to the point as only two good girlfriends could. :)
Thanks for always being there for me Angela!
As of late, my life still remains in a whirlwind. I pured my heart out the other day to my dear friend Angela. She always make me feel better. I told her how I was struggling in many areas and finding that quiet time was one of them. Of course after 2 hours on the phone I felt better and felt understood.
She sent me this link today and it really sums up our conversation. Of course, we were not quite this elegant, and well spoken...but we got to the point as only two good girlfriends could. :)
Thanks for always being there for me Angela!
Monday, July 13, 2009
I know we must be in God's will because everywhere I turn today, there was another test...
Actually makes me feel better knowing even though I feel attacked right now, I am so where God wants me to be...
Actually makes me feel better knowing even though I feel attacked right now, I am so where God wants me to be...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sleepless Night
this is a long one. But I have to write all these thoughts out. Thanks for listening.
SO, I was just casually hanging out on Facebook last night after the kids went down and I was waiting for Trey to get home.
There has been this guy, not sure who he is but I think I went to school with him, posting all these status updates about,"Repent, or burn in eternal hell." and on and on...
So many times I have wanted say something to him. I just felt he was so full of judgement and condemnation. It was really bothering me.
For a few days now, he kept posting this video called "The Fire". I did not watch it. I had no interest. Well, he popped up on my chat last night and asked if I had watched it. Weird. I said no, but I would later, so I did. I was his cousin angrily speaking to Christians about burning in hell and if we sin even though we are Christians that we will loose our salvation. If we say a cuss word, or watch a movie with nudity, or ....(insert list of mistakes and poor choices), that we will burn in hell. It went on for 12 minutes. It was a very angry video. I really was shocked. I just sat in front of the screen in shock. I really couldn't gather my thoughts.
I told him I disagreed with his video and once you have accepted the gift of salvation you can not loose it by making a mistake. If that was his belief what would be the point of salvation anyway?
Someone else chimed in, that you could loose it and that it was in the bible. My head was spinning. I went and grabbed my bible. I could not turn the pages fast enough. I couldn't get my thought patterns together to find the verses I needed. The truth. I facebooked my uncle who is a pastor, and my former pastor. No one got back with me fast enough. I was just scrambling.
In that moment, I realized how naive I can be. I have such a circle of friends who are believers and I take such great comfort in that. I am failing because I am not in my suit of armor(Eph 6:10-17) , ready for battle daily. The battle for biblical truth. I was so unprepared, so caught off guard, so knocked off balance. I knew the truth, but couldn't gather it fast enough.
They say when a plane crashes or other disasters happen and you hear about the "hero stories" that there is a reason those "heroes" react the way they do. There is a chemical in their brain that makes them react quickly, calmly and saves lives because of it. They are extremely focused under pressure. In the Navy Seal program they do test to detect this chemical as part of their testing. They want the best, most efficient, prepared people in the program ready for what ever is presented in front of them.
For the rest of us, they say when you get on a plane, in a car, whatever-whenever the situation might be, to rehearse the scene in your head. If your on a plane, imagine what you would do if the plane was going down. Where are the exits, how do you open the doors, where are your kids, how many rows(count them as you walk down the plane) are you from the exit. Etc ...
Reason- your brain goes into survival mode. If a disaster or accident happens the brain searches for "a file" a memory, a previous experience to reference. Think about a search on the computer. It just goes over and over, circling, searching, searching...well, if you have nothing to reference or recall, no file, your body will not react. Therefore you panic, go into to shock and freeze. You can not move or think of what to do next.
That's where I was. I had not equipped my brain to react to the given situation. I had no file ready to extract. It was not embedded on my internal hard drive. I did not have anything ready to reference. I had not gotten myself ready for that days situation presenting itself.
I was just casually thinking, "oh well, If you believe your a Christian, then you believe what I know is truth. La la la la la la.. " I was not ready. I was so frustrated with myself. I was frozen.
This debate with this man went on for a bit. I found the scriptures I was searching for :
These things I have written to you who believe in the Son of God, in order that you may know that you have eternal life.(1 John 5:13)
Romans 8:38-39 "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
John 10:29, Jesus tells us "And I give eternal life to them; and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
I posted those verses. He came back with a couple of his own and so did his friend.
This man and his friend were taking a few scriptures held alone and not the whole bible as a complete work.
I felt convicted not continue on with him. Then his final post he asked about Marilyn Manson! Apparently he(manson) claims he was once a Christian. This man asks me, "if someone who is a Christian, denies Christ, and spews blasphemy daily is still saved?' gracious.
At that point, I just told him I could not speak for Marilyn Manson, only for myself. I told him that I could only live by what I knew as truth and what I believed. That I would lay my head down tonight and sleep well for the rest of my life knowing where I was going one day. Then told him I hope he had a good night.
Well, I didn't sleep well. I was so sad for this man. I can not imagine living my life thinking when (not if) I make a mistake, my Lord would turn his back on me and take back what He has given me. Does this man not believe in grace, forgiveness, mercy? I know when(not if!) I make a mistake I can turn to my God and asks forgiveness and He is there. Always. I was so sad, that this man does not have that peace.
The questions just swirled in my head. How does he live like that? How do you witness to someone? Does he tell them,"oh your saved today, but watch out! You might not be tomorrow" what does he tell his children? How does that bring peace? How is that life changing? How is that a promise? The questions just kept coming. The frustation with myself kept coming. Why didn't explain that we all still have free will? Why didn't I explain how many people who are saved loose their way, but God will forgive if they ask? Why didn't i add this and that scripture? Why didn't I explain the relationship the Lord wants to have with us, not punish us?
I prayed so hard for that man. I prayed hard for myself.
I am so grateful for a loving God that Saved me even when I didn't deserve. I will never be good enough. I will never be perfect or get it all right. But, I can rest my head knowing I will be with Him one day and have an eternal life. I hope that each and everyone of you have the peace I have. If not, contact me or someone today and ask to talk. Reach out. It is real and truth!!! It is eternal life.
SO, I was just casually hanging out on Facebook last night after the kids went down and I was waiting for Trey to get home.
There has been this guy, not sure who he is but I think I went to school with him, posting all these status updates about,"Repent, or burn in eternal hell." and on and on...
So many times I have wanted say something to him. I just felt he was so full of judgement and condemnation. It was really bothering me.
For a few days now, he kept posting this video called "The Fire". I did not watch it. I had no interest. Well, he popped up on my chat last night and asked if I had watched it. Weird. I said no, but I would later, so I did. I was his cousin angrily speaking to Christians about burning in hell and if we sin even though we are Christians that we will loose our salvation. If we say a cuss word, or watch a movie with nudity, or ....(insert list of mistakes and poor choices), that we will burn in hell. It went on for 12 minutes. It was a very angry video. I really was shocked. I just sat in front of the screen in shock. I really couldn't gather my thoughts.
I told him I disagreed with his video and once you have accepted the gift of salvation you can not loose it by making a mistake. If that was his belief what would be the point of salvation anyway?
Someone else chimed in, that you could loose it and that it was in the bible. My head was spinning. I went and grabbed my bible. I could not turn the pages fast enough. I couldn't get my thought patterns together to find the verses I needed. The truth. I facebooked my uncle who is a pastor, and my former pastor. No one got back with me fast enough. I was just scrambling.
In that moment, I realized how naive I can be. I have such a circle of friends who are believers and I take such great comfort in that. I am failing because I am not in my suit of armor(Eph 6:10-17) , ready for battle daily. The battle for biblical truth. I was so unprepared, so caught off guard, so knocked off balance. I knew the truth, but couldn't gather it fast enough.
They say when a plane crashes or other disasters happen and you hear about the "hero stories" that there is a reason those "heroes" react the way they do. There is a chemical in their brain that makes them react quickly, calmly and saves lives because of it. They are extremely focused under pressure. In the Navy Seal program they do test to detect this chemical as part of their testing. They want the best, most efficient, prepared people in the program ready for what ever is presented in front of them.
For the rest of us, they say when you get on a plane, in a car, whatever-whenever the situation might be, to rehearse the scene in your head. If your on a plane, imagine what you would do if the plane was going down. Where are the exits, how do you open the doors, where are your kids, how many rows(count them as you walk down the plane) are you from the exit. Etc ...
Reason- your brain goes into survival mode. If a disaster or accident happens the brain searches for "a file" a memory, a previous experience to reference. Think about a search on the computer. It just goes over and over, circling, searching, searching...well, if you have nothing to reference or recall, no file, your body will not react. Therefore you panic, go into to shock and freeze. You can not move or think of what to do next.
That's where I was. I had not equipped my brain to react to the given situation. I had no file ready to extract. It was not embedded on my internal hard drive. I did not have anything ready to reference. I had not gotten myself ready for that days situation presenting itself.
I was just casually thinking, "oh well, If you believe your a Christian, then you believe what I know is truth. La la la la la la.. " I was not ready. I was so frustrated with myself. I was frozen.
This debate with this man went on for a bit. I found the scriptures I was searching for :
These things I have written to you who believe in the Son of God, in order that you may know that you have eternal life.(1 John 5:13)
Romans 8:38-39 "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
John 10:29, Jesus tells us "And I give eternal life to them; and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
I posted those verses. He came back with a couple of his own and so did his friend.
This man and his friend were taking a few scriptures held alone and not the whole bible as a complete work.
I felt convicted not continue on with him. Then his final post he asked about Marilyn Manson! Apparently he(manson) claims he was once a Christian. This man asks me, "if someone who is a Christian, denies Christ, and spews blasphemy daily is still saved?' gracious.
At that point, I just told him I could not speak for Marilyn Manson, only for myself. I told him that I could only live by what I knew as truth and what I believed. That I would lay my head down tonight and sleep well for the rest of my life knowing where I was going one day. Then told him I hope he had a good night.
Well, I didn't sleep well. I was so sad for this man. I can not imagine living my life thinking when (not if) I make a mistake, my Lord would turn his back on me and take back what He has given me. Does this man not believe in grace, forgiveness, mercy? I know when(not if!) I make a mistake I can turn to my God and asks forgiveness and He is there. Always. I was so sad, that this man does not have that peace.
The questions just swirled in my head. How does he live like that? How do you witness to someone? Does he tell them,"oh your saved today, but watch out! You might not be tomorrow" what does he tell his children? How does that bring peace? How is that life changing? How is that a promise? The questions just kept coming. The frustation with myself kept coming. Why didn't explain that we all still have free will? Why didn't I explain how many people who are saved loose their way, but God will forgive if they ask? Why didn't i add this and that scripture? Why didn't I explain the relationship the Lord wants to have with us, not punish us?
I prayed so hard for that man. I prayed hard for myself.
I am so grateful for a loving God that Saved me even when I didn't deserve. I will never be good enough. I will never be perfect or get it all right. But, I can rest my head knowing I will be with Him one day and have an eternal life. I hope that each and everyone of you have the peace I have. If not, contact me or someone today and ask to talk. Reach out. It is real and truth!!! It is eternal life.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Better Late Than Never...
The past week has been so strange and crazy and amongst the chaos, my sweet Ryan turned 2!
so, late but done, here is her birthday post. (ps) I don't know what's up with my pics. They were right when I edited them...piff.
Sweet, sweet Ryan that's what you are...
You are the most affectionate, loving precious little girl. You love to be loved on and to love on others. Ever since you learned how, you have given the best hugs. You give your love so deeply. You hold nothing back.
You are so dainty and teeny still. You are just a little bit of a girl , but you have such a big attitude. Not big like Kannan, much different. You love to be right in the middle of what ever is going on. You have no fear or understanding that you are only 2 and how little you are. " uh, i dooo!" ( i want to do it) it what is most often heard.
You are just starting to challenge me. That is earlier than you brother and sisters, they waited until 3. I am hoping that doesn't mean it will last longer, but only be over sooner.
I have had a favorite body part with all of you. Logan was her tiny feet, mainly her heel. It was just so little. Caden was his little bald head. It smelled just like Daddy's. Kannan was her rolls. Mainly her wrist. She was so chubby. Yours is your hands. You have the sweetest little girl hands. They are just so small and perfect. I love when I am getting you out of the car and you put your arms around me and give my a big hug. The best part of my day is when I am putting you to bed and I feel you little hands on my back, softly patting me as I sing you your special song goodnight. The soft pat , pat , pat, is the best. I could hold your hand all day long.
You are such a joy and I could go on and on. Your personality is exploding and growing more and more everyday. Your language is really growing. Your talking much better than the other kids did at your age. It's hard to get a word in edge wise around here! You had to learn quick. Your not afraid to stand up for yourself or fight for what you want. You are so sensitive at the same time. If anyone has hurt feelings or is hurt you are the first with a hug and "na-eee" (sorry) Whether you did something or not you apologize. too cute.
I love you little girl.,.
You are a true joy!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
You have to see these amazing rooms. I need to go get some paint my head is flooded with ideas!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Curve Balls and Left Field
Well, as you can tell from my blog postings, Houston has not been quite what I had expected. I actually have really hated it and had a horrible attitude.
I really thought that when we pulled in with our enormous moving truck, all the neighbors would be greeting us with warm pies and fresh cookies, so happy to have us in their neighborhood. That the kids would just transition "like butta", smooth and easy, have the best teachers and we would all love the school. I thought I would have all these fantastic friends and just jump right in the game at church. I thought Treys job was going to be better hours, better pay and not so stressful on our home life. I thought all the pieces were just going to fall into place. mmmmm....not so much. None of those things happened.
It has been such a bumpy, and sometimes, dark road. It was not the fan-fair and calm I had anticipated. But, of course, God knew that.
It has been a lot of turmoil for me. I have been miserable and felt my like whole world was turned upside down. I knew moving would be hard, but this was not what I had in mind. After all, we had been prayerful. We had heard. We had been obedient. We had. So, in my mind, it was supposed to go another way than what it has.
I have never doubted following and obeying. I didn't understand some of the things that were happening but I KNEW that. I knew God brought us here, not for forsake us (Hebrews13:5) but to grow us, change us. Man, growing pains hurt.
Well, as you could tell from my lack of posting(not that I posted tons,but still) I felt this need amongst the chaos to get still. First, I shut down for a while. Then, I began to just be calm. The calm after the storm, I think. I had to get centered, stop thinking, and listen. I didn't talk to my friends on the phone. My mom kept emailing asking if I was OK. I just went still. It was nice. Then began to pray,"I just want what You want." "I just want what You want." Those were the only words I could express. It's all that would come. Over and over and over.
Then slowly the whispered answers slowly were placed in my heart. Still I listened and remained silent. I needed to make sure I had clarity and no confusion over what I was feeling and hearing. I talked minimally to Trey about it too. Only Him. Just the two of us. An intimate conversation.
There was such a calm anticipation to what I was hearing. It seemed too much.
How God? How can that possibly be? How will that work? What about? What if? When?
I am. It can through Me. It will work My way. I have that. Only step 1 for now. I have it all. Just wait. All you have to do is take the first step. Trust Me. Believe Me.
SO, drum roll please....................................................................................................................................
I am going to school and I am going to start working. I am going to get my Real Estate License! I start Saturday and I am taking weekend classes. I am really excited about this. To say this is out of left field, and I felt like I was thrown a total curve ball, is an understatement!
I can tell you honestly, I thought He moved me here to home school my kids. I would have bet money on it.
I could never done this had He not cleaned out my heart and gotten all the junk out of the way. I was torn down emotionally, only to cry out and need Him desperately and want His ways above mine. I would take the rain all over again, and again, and again. Jesus bring the rain.
He has put this in front of me and I am going to reach out and touch the scepter He has extended.(for those Esther fans!) I will take the next step in faith, because I can not see how He has all the details( my kids, mainly the little girls, my time, my insecurities, etc, etc,)worked out.
I can not even verbalize the excitement I have right now!!!!!!! I am so thrilled to see what He has planned for me.
I am excited to go back to school. I am excited to have some time to myself at school! I am excited to be in an exciting work environment. I am excited at what the opportunity for another income will do for our family. But that's all the future.
Saturday is my first class. Next step. Step 1.
I really thought that when we pulled in with our enormous moving truck, all the neighbors would be greeting us with warm pies and fresh cookies, so happy to have us in their neighborhood. That the kids would just transition "like butta", smooth and easy, have the best teachers and we would all love the school. I thought I would have all these fantastic friends and just jump right in the game at church. I thought Treys job was going to be better hours, better pay and not so stressful on our home life. I thought all the pieces were just going to fall into place. mmmmm....not so much. None of those things happened.
It has been such a bumpy, and sometimes, dark road. It was not the fan-fair and calm I had anticipated. But, of course, God knew that.
It has been a lot of turmoil for me. I have been miserable and felt my like whole world was turned upside down. I knew moving would be hard, but this was not what I had in mind. After all, we had been prayerful. We had heard. We had been obedient. We had. So, in my mind, it was supposed to go another way than what it has.
I have never doubted following and obeying. I didn't understand some of the things that were happening but I KNEW that. I knew God brought us here, not for forsake us (Hebrews13:5) but to grow us, change us. Man, growing pains hurt.
Well, as you could tell from my lack of posting(not that I posted tons,but still) I felt this need amongst the chaos to get still. First, I shut down for a while. Then, I began to just be calm. The calm after the storm, I think. I had to get centered, stop thinking, and listen. I didn't talk to my friends on the phone. My mom kept emailing asking if I was OK. I just went still. It was nice. Then began to pray,"I just want what You want." "I just want what You want." Those were the only words I could express. It's all that would come. Over and over and over.
Then slowly the whispered answers slowly were placed in my heart. Still I listened and remained silent. I needed to make sure I had clarity and no confusion over what I was feeling and hearing. I talked minimally to Trey about it too. Only Him. Just the two of us. An intimate conversation.
There was such a calm anticipation to what I was hearing. It seemed too much.
How God? How can that possibly be? How will that work? What about? What if? When?
I am. It can through Me. It will work My way. I have that. Only step 1 for now. I have it all. Just wait. All you have to do is take the first step. Trust Me. Believe Me.
SO, drum roll please....................................................................................................................................
I am going to school and I am going to start working. I am going to get my Real Estate License! I start Saturday and I am taking weekend classes. I am really excited about this. To say this is out of left field, and I felt like I was thrown a total curve ball, is an understatement!
I can tell you honestly, I thought He moved me here to home school my kids. I would have bet money on it.
I could never done this had He not cleaned out my heart and gotten all the junk out of the way. I was torn down emotionally, only to cry out and need Him desperately and want His ways above mine. I would take the rain all over again, and again, and again. Jesus bring the rain.
He has put this in front of me and I am going to reach out and touch the scepter He has extended.(for those Esther fans!) I will take the next step in faith, because I can not see how He has all the details( my kids, mainly the little girls, my time, my insecurities, etc, etc,)worked out.
I can not even verbalize the excitement I have right now!!!!!!! I am so thrilled to see what He has planned for me.
I am excited to go back to school. I am excited to have some time to myself at school! I am excited to be in an exciting work environment. I am excited at what the opportunity for another income will do for our family. But that's all the future.
Saturday is my first class. Next step. Step 1.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
keep praying
see side button..
please keep praying. My heart is breaking. He just went into V-tach...
please keep praying. My heart is breaking. He just went into V-tach...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Caden Edward Hardin
You have added so much to my life. I have always heard the saying," Daddy's girls and Momma's boys."
I would say it's true!
You are a man of few words, like your Dad. You are a natural athlete like him too. You have so many of his characteristics. You are humble, sensitive, caring , stubborn, easily hurt, and quiet. When push comes to shove you will let your feeling be known though.
You are easy going, and takes things as they come and you do not complain too much.
I am told you look like me. I guess that's true, but you are awfully handsome. Your eyes sparkle when you smile. And your smile lights up a room.
You are so funny when you get tickled about something and get the giggles and can't stop laughing.
I wish I could have one more of those days. They went way too fast.
You have grown into such a neat young man and I am so excited to see what God has in store for the rest of your life.
You are amazing and I love you with all I have!
I love you Buddy Boy!
Pray! Pray! Pray!
Please pray for this family and this sweet baby.
You can read the background story from their buttton on the sidebar too.
God has already performed one miracle. Praying for another...
You can read the background story from their buttton on the sidebar too.
God has already performed one miracle. Praying for another...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
It's funny how you don't notice how much you enjoy sleep until you don't get it.
I haven't really slept in about 2 weeks. I feel like I am constantly awake.
When I do sleep in a small section of time, one of the kids comes in. Lately it's been Kannan. EVERYNIGHT! I am almost to the point of flipping her door lock around and locking her in there, expect I just put Ryan in there and the screams could bother her just a little. Then I would have two of them up, and then the reality is probably all 4 would be up at that point.
But that wouldn't be any different than last night!!! HONESTLY!
whose kids are these and where did mine go? aren't they supposed to sleep through the night by age 10!
I haven't really slept in about 2 weeks. I feel like I am constantly awake.
When I do sleep in a small section of time, one of the kids comes in. Lately it's been Kannan. EVERYNIGHT! I am almost to the point of flipping her door lock around and locking her in there, expect I just put Ryan in there and the screams could bother her just a little. Then I would have two of them up, and then the reality is probably all 4 would be up at that point.
But that wouldn't be any different than last night!!! HONESTLY!
whose kids are these and where did mine go? aren't they supposed to sleep through the night by age 10!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Felling better and stronger. Funny how when you let God lead things tend to calm down. When you let him be your focus, other things balance out and your not so distracted by them..
You would think I could remember that!!!
It feels good to have a calmer few days.
Helps when you realize you were taking way too much of your thyroid supplement and it was making you feel like poop too and emotional!
I date night also helps, and when your man tells you that he thinks you look better today than you did when you first met. Good one HUH???!!!
Loving this week.
Felling better and stronger. Funny how when you let God lead things tend to calm down. When you let him be your focus, other things balance out and your not so distracted by them..
You would think I could remember that!!!
It feels good to have a calmer few days.
Helps when you realize you were taking way too much of your thyroid supplement and it was making you feel like poop too and emotional!
I date night also helps, and when your man tells you that he thinks you look better today than you did when you first met. Good one HUH???!!!
Loving this week.
Friday, February 20, 2009
I told ME so....
I knew , what I knew, what I knew...then I did it anyway.
I told myself I was doing good and could handle it, but no, I couldn't and can't. I knew the truth, my truth, but listened to the seduction anyway.
For me, surface isn't good enough. I felt like it was all surface relationship stuff. I just don't process that well. I am not good at just little chit-chat things. I am deep! What I mean is, I just relate better within deep relationships. I am steadier with that kind of relationship.
Anything can become a stronghold. Movies, TV, sex, money, food, facebook, relationships, people, worrying, fear, anything. It's all different for all people and this was becoming one of mine(of many). It was in my way. IN my way of focusing on what the Lord was trying to say and do in my life. It was my way of not sitting still long enough to listen.
I was substituting my lack of friendships and fellowship here in Houston with FB. A verse jumped out at me this week and I have it everywhere.
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
SO, I have to set it aside.
Refocus on what He is doing.
I feel better. ahhh!
Who knows, there may come a time when it is OK for me.
It's kind of like food. Food in it self is fine. Bite here, bite there, fine. Overindulge causes big problems. For most people food is just meal. For others in consumes their life.
Isn't it interesting, what someone can just do casually without distraction, causes another to stumble. I look at other people and often wonder,"Why can't i just do that?" or "I could never have that in my life." But for them it's just there.
It really blows my mind how God knows every area to the smallest detail, even something as stupid as FB, that he wants to work on us. He knows every stronghold from the biggest to the smallest. And so does Satan! It's all so individualized. So personal. So deep.
It's so powerful, to be able to learn and grow from what hold us back. I stand in awe today and humbled.
We will see what I trip over next week!!! (wink)
I told myself I was doing good and could handle it, but no, I couldn't and can't. I knew the truth, my truth, but listened to the seduction anyway.
For me, surface isn't good enough. I felt like it was all surface relationship stuff. I just don't process that well. I am not good at just little chit-chat things. I am deep! What I mean is, I just relate better within deep relationships. I am steadier with that kind of relationship.
Anything can become a stronghold. Movies, TV, sex, money, food, facebook, relationships, people, worrying, fear, anything. It's all different for all people and this was becoming one of mine(of many). It was in my way. IN my way of focusing on what the Lord was trying to say and do in my life. It was my way of not sitting still long enough to listen.
I was substituting my lack of friendships and fellowship here in Houston with FB. A verse jumped out at me this week and I have it everywhere.
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
SO, I have to set it aside.
Refocus on what He is doing.
I feel better. ahhh!
Who knows, there may come a time when it is OK for me.
It's kind of like food. Food in it self is fine. Bite here, bite there, fine. Overindulge causes big problems. For most people food is just meal. For others in consumes their life.
Isn't it interesting, what someone can just do casually without distraction, causes another to stumble. I look at other people and often wonder,"Why can't i just do that?" or "I could never have that in my life." But for them it's just there.
It really blows my mind how God knows every area to the smallest detail, even something as stupid as FB, that he wants to work on us. He knows every stronghold from the biggest to the smallest. And so does Satan! It's all so individualized. So personal. So deep.
It's so powerful, to be able to learn and grow from what hold us back. I stand in awe today and humbled.
We will see what I trip over next week!!! (wink)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
random 2
Anyway, I made this for my mom. It was an old pic $6 from Goodwill. I mod-poged (?)
the pics on there after cutting them out. Cute!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
11 years ago I had a choice to make.
I was unmarried, scared, unsure about the future and lost.
I took a test one day that I passed with flying colors. Two blue lines
showed my grade. Pregnant.
I was terrified. Trey was right beside me . He had choices to make too.
We just smiled. There was excitement and terror in the room
all at the same time. We just knew everything was about to change.
There were phone calls to make. Disappointments in our parents voices to hear.
Their dreams and ours were changed in an instant.
Truth be told, there were no choices.
Just one.
I have known several friends, dear friends, who have chosen different.
They still bear the scars of that choice to this day.
It's an indescribable pain.
I held their hand and wiped their tears through their choice.
I am forever changed for my choice.
My life went from black and white to color the day that life was born.
And yes, I hear the "yeah, but you had Trey." "Yeah, but you had family."
"yeah, but you don't understand...."
Your right. I don't
And I didn't have all that.
Trey and I were so far from committed to each other.
My family was so far away.
I had nothing.
God had better plans than any excuse.
I am not better than anyone.
I just took a different path.
The laws are changing to make that other path more accessible. Please watch and pray for the
ones that don't have a voice. take the time to read this post
I was unmarried, scared, unsure about the future and lost.
I took a test one day that I passed with flying colors. Two blue lines
showed my grade. Pregnant.
I was terrified. Trey was right beside me . He had choices to make too.
We just smiled. There was excitement and terror in the room
all at the same time. We just knew everything was about to change.
There were phone calls to make. Disappointments in our parents voices to hear.
Their dreams and ours were changed in an instant.
Truth be told, there were no choices.
Just one.
I have known several friends, dear friends, who have chosen different.
They still bear the scars of that choice to this day.
It's an indescribable pain.
I held their hand and wiped their tears through their choice.
I am forever changed for my choice.
My life went from black and white to color the day that life was born.
And yes, I hear the "yeah, but you had Trey." "Yeah, but you had family."
"yeah, but you don't understand...."
Your right. I don't
And I didn't have all that.
Trey and I were so far from committed to each other.
My family was so far away.
I had nothing.
God had better plans than any excuse.
I am not better than anyone.
I just took a different path.
The laws are changing to make that other path more accessible. Please watch and pray for the
ones that don't have a voice. take the time to read this post
I think about that day often.
Monday, February 9, 2009
It's all in the little things right?! Well, I didn't sink into the depths of hell after getting a facebook account like I thought I would. I thought I would for sure have blisters on my fingers from typing and have grown into my chair by now, but I have done well. Actually great. The first day was crazy with all the emails and friends. It was fun though. People I have talked to or thought about in years and years and some I had wondered about and missed for years and years.
I still don't really know what a lot of it is all about. But, that's OK. I don't know what throwing beads means, how to get married, or any of that stuff. One day I will figure it all out.
But, I was very proud of myself. If I had signed up a few months ago. OH MAN! That would have been bad news.
But now on to the big news to be proud of....
Trey's club opened Thursday. His parents came in town, so of course the kids were so excited to see them.
It was a whirlwind of a weekend. They got in town. We played a few minutes. Got dressed and went to eat. The ribbon cutting was @ 6. We were hustling up there. We had to wait outside for the doors to be opened. It was a short line, about 75 people. Not too bad.
As, we were standing there I had such butterflies. This was 11 years in the making. We have struggling for so long. I thought about all the hard times, all the jobs Trey has had, all he days he didn't even eat a lunch, all the times he was so ready for more, all the sacrifices he has made and we have made as a family through the years. I thought about all the tears, the fears, the fights, the struggles.
I also, thought about all the laughter, the births, the baptisms, the joys, the little moments that make the days worthwhile. All the changes. Time.
I had so many emotions welling up inside me.
They finally opened the doors and by this time there was a pretty big crowd formed. It was amazing. The staff was so loud that my buffer shut my camcorder off!
My eyes found Trey's and filled with tears, as did his. I walked quickly over to Trey ( i wanted to just run so hard and jump into his arms, but I was trying to keep some composure, for his sake. Not mine. You know I would have done it and not even cared!!) and I burst into tears -he did too. I didn't go into the "ugly cry" but close...
Logan said, "Mommy, it's all been worth it now!" I think it was such a visual realization for the kids and for me too, but I think it helped them understand more why he works so hard.
It was a great night. The club looked great and there were tons of people. The crowd just kept growing. Turns out, they were expecting about 1000. There were 4600!
I have been so overwhelmed by His blessings. It is such a strange feeling to be moving into a different phase of life. See, Satan's biggest stronghold has been our finances and now that is about to change. I am eagerly anticipating the changes and growth and to see where God takes us through all of this.
I am so proud of Trey. There is so much more to come...
I still don't really know what a lot of it is all about. But, that's OK. I don't know what throwing beads means, how to get married, or any of that stuff. One day I will figure it all out.
But, I was very proud of myself. If I had signed up a few months ago. OH MAN! That would have been bad news.
But now on to the big news to be proud of....
Trey's club opened Thursday. His parents came in town, so of course the kids were so excited to see them.
It was a whirlwind of a weekend. They got in town. We played a few minutes. Got dressed and went to eat. The ribbon cutting was @ 6. We were hustling up there. We had to wait outside for the doors to be opened. It was a short line, about 75 people. Not too bad.
As, we were standing there I had such butterflies. This was 11 years in the making. We have struggling for so long. I thought about all the hard times, all the jobs Trey has had, all he days he didn't even eat a lunch, all the times he was so ready for more, all the sacrifices he has made and we have made as a family through the years. I thought about all the tears, the fears, the fights, the struggles.
I also, thought about all the laughter, the births, the baptisms, the joys, the little moments that make the days worthwhile. All the changes. Time.
I had so many emotions welling up inside me.
They finally opened the doors and by this time there was a pretty big crowd formed. It was amazing. The staff was so loud that my buffer shut my camcorder off!
My eyes found Trey's and filled with tears, as did his. I walked quickly over to Trey ( i wanted to just run so hard and jump into his arms, but I was trying to keep some composure, for his sake. Not mine. You know I would have done it and not even cared!!) and I burst into tears -he did too. I didn't go into the "ugly cry" but close...
Logan said, "Mommy, it's all been worth it now!" I think it was such a visual realization for the kids and for me too, but I think it helped them understand more why he works so hard.
It was a great night. The club looked great and there were tons of people. The crowd just kept growing. Turns out, they were expecting about 1000. There were 4600!
I have been so overwhelmed by His blessings. It is such a strange feeling to be moving into a different phase of life. See, Satan's biggest stronghold has been our finances and now that is about to change. I am eagerly anticipating the changes and growth and to see where God takes us through all of this.
I am so proud of Trey. There is so much more to come...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
OK, so my friend, (my old best friend growing up) found my email from my blog and wanted me to see her pics on - you guessed it - FACEBOOK! SO, i sign up thinking I can just see her page. NOO
Now I have my own stinkn' acct... AHHH! Great. Now I see all these names and faces that I haven't seem it YEARS! GR8!!!
eating my words ya'll....pray for me!
Now I have my own stinkn' acct... AHHH! Great. Now I see all these names and faces that I haven't seem it YEARS! GR8!!!
eating my words ya'll....pray for me!
Just Say NO!
OK peeps!
I am tellin' ya all rite now!!
I have gotten you links and emails and requests. While I appreciate you wanting me to join, I just can't.
I am not that strong. I would be addicted in no time. I know it...I love to talk, observe, gossip, and so on and so on...
But, I have too many children that might starve and then CPS would be at my door and it would be so embarrasing to have to say, " I am so sorry, but my new Facebook friends needed me and I couldn't make snacks today." I don't think that would go over very well.
I think it is fine for whomever can manage it, but when you opt out and some of the options for cancelling are:
Causing marraige problems
Emtional distress
Realtionship problems
Interferring with work
Interferring with real life realationships
Having truoble connecting to people in real life situations.
Does anyone else see a problem here?>?>?
Just wondering.
I know this because Trey had one. Work asked him to set one up. It drove him nuts...
He can't not sit still or listen to just random things. It has to have purpose or a goal in sight. So I laughed when he set it up and told him he would hate it. I laughed again when he cancelled it.
Me, I would eat it up with a spoon.
I am so nosy and would love to be in everybody's business. See! Not good for me... B_A_D.
I am just heeding the red flags. Everyone one I have read and talked to that has a Facebook acct. says how "time addicting" it is. So for me, I have to "just say no!"
So, I have to be old school and have ya email or text or actually even, the caveman way -call me.
I am tellin' ya all rite now!!
I have gotten you links and emails and requests. While I appreciate you wanting me to join, I just can't.
I am not that strong. I would be addicted in no time. I know it...I love to talk, observe, gossip, and so on and so on...
But, I have too many children that might starve and then CPS would be at my door and it would be so embarrasing to have to say, " I am so sorry, but my new Facebook friends needed me and I couldn't make snacks today." I don't think that would go over very well.
I think it is fine for whomever can manage it, but when you opt out and some of the options for cancelling are:
Causing marraige problems
Emtional distress
Realtionship problems
Interferring with work
Interferring with real life realationships
Having truoble connecting to people in real life situations.
Does anyone else see a problem here?>?>?
Just wondering.
I know this because Trey had one. Work asked him to set one up. It drove him nuts...
He can't not sit still or listen to just random things. It has to have purpose or a goal in sight. So I laughed when he set it up and told him he would hate it. I laughed again when he cancelled it.
Me, I would eat it up with a spoon.
I am so nosy and would love to be in everybody's business. See! Not good for me... B_A_D.
I am just heeding the red flags. Everyone one I have read and talked to that has a Facebook acct. says how "time addicting" it is. So for me, I have to "just say no!"
So, I have to be old school and have ya email or text or actually even, the caveman way -call me.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Well, its been a while since I've posted. Some reasons were just life but for the main reason, it was intentional. You see, I had to get really honest and admit how much I was struggling. I had gotten really depressed. I was in a bad place and really sad. I had to realize that I had lost myself somewhere along the way and that I had just shut down.
I had not picked up my bible in months. I still prayed, but lofty prayers. Nothing deep. I was avoiding the honesty of the situation. I didn't want to look at it or admit it. I was sick.
The posts that I was putting up were just regurgitated words and faith. There was nothing authentic coming out of me. That's how I felt in my life. I just felt like an empty shell of a person. I finally broke down, figuratively and literally, and had to admit just how much I was hurting. How much I was hurting myself, and my family, and most importantly my God. I was just shutting.
I had put up so many walls of protection when we moved to soften the blow, that I imprisoned myself. I tend to do that. That's my pattern. If I sense a hurt coming on, up go the walls. I am usually better at identifying it, (since doing Breaking Free), that I can stop and see His face and hear the truth and move forward. But, this time I let if consume me.
It was so hard to watch my kids struggle and miss everything and everyone. Caden especially. It was breaking my heart. Trey and I were both hurting from being separated and we were hurting each other.
SO, one day after many long hurtful days, I said enough. I heard,"Enough." I listened.
I let go of the pain, refocused, cried, lifted my eyes and centered my thoughts back on what I know to be true.
We are here for His purpose(s). Not ours. It has never been about that, even though I tried to make it that.
Things have been better for the past week or so. It has been nice. To feel like me, to hear my kids laughter, to notice the moments and the blessings again.
God is building something amazing through all of this.
Trey apologized for moving us here one day. I told him not to apologize. That this move is still right for us and always has been, it's just the growing through it that is hard. I have never regretted moving here or wanted to go back. It's just the day to day changes and settling in that are hard. I know we are going to look back in 5 years and say,"Wow! What an amazing time that was for our family."
I have never doubted we did the right thing. And I have never doubted that we are right where God wants us and told us to be. I have never doubted our obedience coming here.
I only doubted myself. That was the lie I was hearing.
"You are never more open to an attack, than when God is at work and has moved you from your home, your safe place and taken you into the wilderness, to take you somewhere else He wants you to go."
Beth Moore said that last week in my bible study. She was talking about King Xerxes and Haman wanting to destroy the Jews. She was going back through the lineage of Haman and how his people had gone after the Jews and destroyed the weak (women, children and elderly) That they waited until they were tired, hungry, weak, and straggling behind. They could no longer fight and then he enemy attacked.
That's how I have felt. So behind and attacked. But, no longer.
I am His. He is mine. And I am free. My protector, provider Jehovah-jireh!
I had not picked up my bible in months. I still prayed, but lofty prayers. Nothing deep. I was avoiding the honesty of the situation. I didn't want to look at it or admit it. I was sick.
The posts that I was putting up were just regurgitated words and faith. There was nothing authentic coming out of me. That's how I felt in my life. I just felt like an empty shell of a person. I finally broke down, figuratively and literally, and had to admit just how much I was hurting. How much I was hurting myself, and my family, and most importantly my God. I was just shutting.
I had put up so many walls of protection when we moved to soften the blow, that I imprisoned myself. I tend to do that. That's my pattern. If I sense a hurt coming on, up go the walls. I am usually better at identifying it, (since doing Breaking Free), that I can stop and see His face and hear the truth and move forward. But, this time I let if consume me.
It was so hard to watch my kids struggle and miss everything and everyone. Caden especially. It was breaking my heart. Trey and I were both hurting from being separated and we were hurting each other.
SO, one day after many long hurtful days, I said enough. I heard,"Enough." I listened.
I let go of the pain, refocused, cried, lifted my eyes and centered my thoughts back on what I know to be true.
We are here for His purpose(s). Not ours. It has never been about that, even though I tried to make it that.
Things have been better for the past week or so. It has been nice. To feel like me, to hear my kids laughter, to notice the moments and the blessings again.
God is building something amazing through all of this.
Trey apologized for moving us here one day. I told him not to apologize. That this move is still right for us and always has been, it's just the growing through it that is hard. I have never regretted moving here or wanted to go back. It's just the day to day changes and settling in that are hard. I know we are going to look back in 5 years and say,"Wow! What an amazing time that was for our family."
I have never doubted we did the right thing. And I have never doubted that we are right where God wants us and told us to be. I have never doubted our obedience coming here.
I only doubted myself. That was the lie I was hearing.
"You are never more open to an attack, than when God is at work and has moved you from your home, your safe place and taken you into the wilderness, to take you somewhere else He wants you to go."
Beth Moore said that last week in my bible study. She was talking about King Xerxes and Haman wanting to destroy the Jews. She was going back through the lineage of Haman and how his people had gone after the Jews and destroyed the weak (women, children and elderly) That they waited until they were tired, hungry, weak, and straggling behind. They could no longer fight and then he enemy attacked.
That's how I have felt. So behind and attacked. But, no longer.
I am His. He is mine. And I am free. My protector, provider Jehovah-jireh!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Too Funny!
So, I LUV me some Beth Moore and am currently going through Esther. It's Tough To Be a Woman. And I love her blog. She and her girls, Amanda and Melissa always provide such comfort, wisdom and a giggle too.
So I was so pumped to see a new post. It was from Curtis, Amanda's husband ( I think) (pretty sure)
Anyway, It is TOOOO funny! I ordered the set for Trey for his birthday. SHHH don't tell. Luckily, he is swamped with work right now, so I am sure he won't be checking my blog for may latest ramblings.
Check it out:
So I was so pumped to see a new post. It was from Curtis, Amanda's husband ( I think) (pretty sure)
Anyway, It is TOOOO funny! I ordered the set for Trey for his birthday. SHHH don't tell. Luckily, he is swamped with work right now, so I am sure he won't be checking my blog for may latest ramblings.
Check it out:
One More Time....
ok girls.
Here is one more chance to do a good thing...and even if you don't want to win, you send the prize to me!
SO go
here and help bring home a miracle.
Here is one more chance to do a good thing...and even if you don't want to win, you send the prize to me!
SO go
here and help bring home a miracle.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Is anyone else exhausted from the holidays??
Well, we had 3 car repairs, 2 days of being stranded, 3 straight weeks of holiday guests, 3 Christmas celebrations, 2 trips to the Dr, 1 New Years Eve, 1 trip back home for 1 funeral of a dear friend's dad, many deaths from other acquaintances, and many laughs and tears.
And I am done!
I just got back in town on Sunday and I am ready for a break....
It has been exhausting physically and emotionally.
Trey and I had been going through kind of weird time and finally "hashed it" (putting that nicely) ALL out. Through a few weeks of words, i have realized I sort of lost myself. And Trey realized he was missing me. Somewhere in the past 10 and a half years, I lost ME. I swore I would never let that happen, but it did. I became Trey's wife and Logan, Caden, Kannan and Ryan's mom. It was a slow disintegration of myself. I do not mind being all of things, in fact, I love those things. I just forgot to put my name somewhere on that list. I am not sure the day, the time of it, but it happened.
So, I have now added it back on. At least I am trying too. I had really always thought of myself as selfish and Trey pointed out that I never do anything for me. I forget to take care of myself. HMMM. Really?
Well, I guess since all my pjs are still maternity pants and tshirts, I only get 2 haircuts a year, Trey's wardrobe is bigger than mine, and I had only 4 pairs of shoes(two of that being tennis shoes), then yes. That would be correct. Guess, I have to wake up and look in the mirror a little more. It was also nice to know that my husband still sees me as the girl he married. ( I weighed much less then!) He loves me then , he loves me now. Good thing! Since I forgot to keep loving me and seemed to just give it all away. Gotta learn that balance!
God's timing is really comical and graceful and perfect. I giggled inside when I saw the bible study that starts this Sunday. "Esther. It's Tough to be a Woman" by Beth Moore. Can't you see Him wink?
I am really excited!!!!
So, a couple prayer requests too:
1. Help me find my confidence and a healthy sense of independence, without becoming selfish and neglectful of things around me. A godly self image not prideful. ( I always seem to think of the flip side of things too much...i know)
2. A prayer for my kids and family. Caden is really struggling with the move. He is sad and it breaks my heart. Kannan is struggling too. It's a transition. It takes time. I know, but it's my babies...and they are hurting right now.
Well, we had 3 car repairs, 2 days of being stranded, 3 straight weeks of holiday guests, 3 Christmas celebrations, 2 trips to the Dr, 1 New Years Eve, 1 trip back home for 1 funeral of a dear friend's dad, many deaths from other acquaintances, and many laughs and tears.
And I am done!
I just got back in town on Sunday and I am ready for a break....
It has been exhausting physically and emotionally.
Trey and I had been going through kind of weird time and finally "hashed it" (putting that nicely) ALL out. Through a few weeks of words, i have realized I sort of lost myself. And Trey realized he was missing me. Somewhere in the past 10 and a half years, I lost ME. I swore I would never let that happen, but it did. I became Trey's wife and Logan, Caden, Kannan and Ryan's mom. It was a slow disintegration of myself. I do not mind being all of things, in fact, I love those things. I just forgot to put my name somewhere on that list. I am not sure the day, the time of it, but it happened.
So, I have now added it back on. At least I am trying too. I had really always thought of myself as selfish and Trey pointed out that I never do anything for me. I forget to take care of myself. HMMM. Really?
Well, I guess since all my pjs are still maternity pants and tshirts, I only get 2 haircuts a year, Trey's wardrobe is bigger than mine, and I had only 4 pairs of shoes(two of that being tennis shoes), then yes. That would be correct. Guess, I have to wake up and look in the mirror a little more. It was also nice to know that my husband still sees me as the girl he married. ( I weighed much less then!) He loves me then , he loves me now. Good thing! Since I forgot to keep loving me and seemed to just give it all away. Gotta learn that balance!
God's timing is really comical and graceful and perfect. I giggled inside when I saw the bible study that starts this Sunday. "Esther. It's Tough to be a Woman" by Beth Moore. Can't you see Him wink?
I am really excited!!!!
So, a couple prayer requests too:
1. Help me find my confidence and a healthy sense of independence, without becoming selfish and neglectful of things around me. A godly self image not prideful. ( I always seem to think of the flip side of things too much...i know)
2. A prayer for my kids and family. Caden is really struggling with the move. He is sad and it breaks my heart. Kannan is struggling too. It's a transition. It takes time. I know, but it's my babies...and they are hurting right now.
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