Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh my!

Let me give all of you a big apology for my post yesterday. That was the worst grammar I have read in along time! TER-RI-BLE!
Two things happened: 1. I was late for lunch with a friend and typed that out real fast and that "linky thingy", that I just figured out how to do last week, was giving me a hard time. I cant seem to find my pretty color letters either...
2. I always have, and probably always will, not been the best at grammar. (It drives Trey crazy!) But, I love to write! Yesterday I felt I needed to purge all of those emotions so I went to town. I was typing faster than my brain could keep up with. Then I was rushed out the door for lunch.
I can not promise it will get better. Well, a little better. But, I will work on it. It is such a metaphor for my life though.
I just look at the big picture and not the details. I get things done but forgot all the in-betweens. (this too drives Trey crazy!) I am sooo not a detail person. I have to work on that!

But, I am glad the post content and meaning helped some of you through you day and encouraged you in some way. That was the point!

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