Thursday, April 24, 2008


It was quite the day around here...My sweet Logan was so emotional!!! Wait...

Let's be honest and start from the beginning. I was emotional and in a funk all last night and this morning. Nothing seem to make me happy. I wondered around TJ Maxx and Target last night for 2 hours and didn't even buy 1 thing! I know!!! It was B-A-D! Then this morning, things weren't much better. i was on the brink of tears all morning. No REAL reason, just was...
I felt fat in everything I tried on, so I put on my pants that were 2 sizes to big that I wore when I was pregnant. That made me feel better. They were loose, didn't pinch my in all the wrong places, and I didn't have a muffin top(at least for a while)! Who cares if it looked like i took a dump in my pants from behind...

I tried and tried to hold in all my emotions...(we all know where this is going...don't we...) Then Trey asked me what was wrong.
Well, i don't think I have to explain what happened. You all know...

We talked for a while(he talked- I sniffled and blubbered about stuff).then he left for work. You know he had to be so glad it was time to leave!

My husband was so great and sent me a text that I had sent to him last week..."Be Still And Know That I Am God!!!"

Just what I needed. Sigh...What a good man I got!!!!

After that, I seemed to calm down a bit...

Then, my kiddos were home. dun..dun...dun...

Just kidding. :) It was really fine. Kannan was actually really sweet AND A GREAT LISTENER! (must be a full moon or something) Caden was pretty mellow(nothing knew there) and Ryan was sweet and happy(nothing new there either).

Logan, AH, Logan!
Nothing was good enough, done right, or said right, NOTHING... I don't know where she gets that from. Honestly!

We finally made it through homework after a couple of "discussion on whether she really wanted my help or just to argue." Went to soccer, found a caterpillar, named it Cleo, let it loose, cried the whole way home because we couldn't keep it. (Yes, her heart is just that big). Then showers, a forgotten question on homework, then the floodgates opened...

Tears for every situation for the past 2 months that have hurt her feelings. From birthday parties, to not getting called on in class, to playground "drama", to me , to Trey, to Caden, to Kannan, and everyone else that ever said anything that Might have hurt her feelings. (Ryan's too little, her time is coming!)
Once again, not sure where she gets all this from :) Just kidding-SHE IS SOOOO MY KID!

We may but heads, but when she lets me be there for her and I calm down long enough to realize what she needs at that moment,That's when i love being her mom the most! The picture is a letter she wrote tonight after our talk.
In case you can't read it.

Dear Mommy,
Thank you for helping me with all my problems today! Love, Logan(Pip)
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Friday, April 18, 2008


Here is Caden and all his "gang" rockin' it.
Look at that hair!!! He looks like a totally different kid! Such the hipster!!! Or hippie maybe! :) The other boys are two of his classmates.
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The Dance

This is Logan's favorite night of the whole year!! The night of the Daddy Daughter Dance!!!
Really, I mean it. She loves it more than Christmas, her birthday, any of the other days...
It's just her and Daddy...
They had a great time. I can't believe how big she has gotten. She is such an amazing girl and I am so proud of who she is as a person.

The video is from the baseball game. Cool dudes I know!

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Too Soon

There was a tremendous young lady that died suddenly Sunday. Vanessa Whitwell from Fellowship Church in Grapevine. We used to attend this church and I remember her well. I never had the privilege of meeting her personally but I do remember seeing her around, singing like an angel, and involved in many ministries.

I remember thinking,"What a lady!" and "Man, She just shines." Although we haven't attended that church for many years now, I still remember her face and that glow.

It was the glow of Jesus on her face. As I get older, the women that I find most attractive and beautiful have that same glow.

I have shed so many tears today for a woman I never met. The reason is, I want to live my life as such, that If I were gone today, those who knew and saw me from afar would have seen the glow of Jesus on my face. That is my daily prayer.

I just want Him to shine through me in all I do. I want to make an impact for Him so that when I am gone even people I have never met would see Him brightly.

Welcome Home Vanessa!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

all the pics

Please forgive all the pictures. It's getting out of hand! I am still trying to fix this just how I want it.
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Check out my Slide Show!

Check out my Slide Show!

Kannan! Oh! Kannan!

If you ever wonder why I might be a little crazy here are my past two conversations with my sweet Kannan,..

Kannan,"Mommy, I want to be a boy. I don't want to be a girl anymore."
Me: " Well, God made you a girl."
Kannan: "Well, I am going to be a boy now."
In my head -OK fine whatever. We kept the converstation about God going for a few minutes. I finally admitted defeat. So according to Kannan we have 2 girls and 2 boys now.
Kannan,"blah... blah...blah...just talking away...."
to be honest I wasn't really listening. I have learned to tune her out. Otherwise I really would be in the loony bin.
Me: "Kannan what did you say?"

Kannan," I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the window."

Oh! Well excuse me for MY interrupting. Honestly! God love her!

If she can harness all that energy for the Lord, Look out! She will light up this world. Or it could go the completely other way. It a scary thought! HA!HA! That is what I pray every night over her. That God will keep His hand on her and use her energy to bring Him glory.

Sweet sweet girl. She makes me laugh literally everyday. She drives me batty too. But, I learn so much from her everyday. I wish I had her zest for life. I wish I just didn't care about all the little stuff the way she does. She wakes up and is ready to from the minute her feet hit the floor to the minute she finally falls asleep.
I have determined her life verse is Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I am so thankful for her. She lights up my life!