Saturday, May 10, 2008


I heard it said somewhere that if you are lucky enough in this world to have one true best friend then you are truly blessed. I know that is true in my life. I am lucky enough to have a couple. One I got to visit yesterday. We used to live by each other in Arlington. Our kids grew up together and LOVE each other sooo much. They had a blast. They have never fought or gotten in a argument. That's with 8 kids around too! They just truly love being together and spending time together.
It's time's like this that I miss Michelle . She is like a sister to me., She has never hurt me or done anything to bring me down. She has always built me up and encouraged me. I am so glad to have her in my life and I will miss Michelle. (they are moving to D.C.)

Michelle is the person who taught me what being a REAL friend really meant. Not the mean girls, in high school friendship. Authentic, honest, and true friendship. I have learned so much from her in many ways, as a friend and as a mom. For those of you in my life, you have her to thank that I can be the friend that I am to you.

She is the BEST mom. She is really the mom I want to be when I grow up! :) Her kids are rarely a bother. I mean it. She really never complains about them and honestly enjoys being a mom to the fullest point. She plays flashlight freeze tag in the dark, football for 3 hours in the yard, fixes dinner every night and never misses a game. Her kids bring her such joy and are never a bother. She is human and needs a break and gets frustrated, but not like most moms I hear these days, myself included.

She is such a great person and I will always be in her life. I am so thankful that God put her in my life. I am all the better for having her in it.

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