Wednesday, April 29, 2009


You have to see these amazing rooms. I need to go get some paint my head is flooded with ideas!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Curve Balls and Left Field

Well, as you can tell from my blog postings, Houston has not been quite what I had expected. I actually have really hated it and had a horrible attitude.

I really thought that when we pulled in with our enormous moving truck, all the neighbors would be greeting us with warm pies and fresh cookies, so happy to have us in their neighborhood. That the kids would just transition "like butta", smooth and easy, have the best teachers and we would all love the school. I thought I would have all these fantastic friends and just jump right in the game at church. I thought Treys job was going to be better hours, better pay and not so stressful on our home life. I thought all the pieces were just going to fall into place. mmmmm....not so much. None of those things happened.

It has been such a bumpy, and sometimes, dark road. It was not the fan-fair and calm I had anticipated. But, of course, God knew that.

It has been a lot of turmoil for me. I have been miserable and felt my like whole world was turned upside down. I knew moving would be hard, but this was not what I had in mind. After all, we had been prayerful. We had heard. We had been obedient. We had. So, in my mind, it was supposed to go another way than what it has.

I have never doubted following and obeying. I didn't understand some of the things that were happening but I KNEW that. I knew God brought us here, not for forsake us (Hebrews13:5) but to grow us, change us. Man, growing pains hurt.

Well, as you could tell from my lack of posting(not that I posted tons,but still) I felt this need amongst the chaos to get still. First, I shut down for a while. Then, I began to just be calm. The calm after the storm, I think. I had to get centered, stop thinking, and listen. I didn't talk to my friends on the phone. My mom kept emailing asking if I was OK. I just went still. It was nice. Then began to pray,"I just want what You want." "I just want what You want." Those were the only words I could express. It's all that would come. Over and over and over.

Then slowly the whispered answers slowly were placed in my heart. Still I listened and remained silent. I needed to make sure I had clarity and no confusion over what I was feeling and hearing. I talked minimally to Trey about it too. Only Him. Just the two of us. An intimate conversation.

There was such a calm anticipation to what I was hearing. It seemed too much.
How God? How can that possibly be? How will that work? What about? What if? When?
I am. It can through Me. It will work My way. I have that. Only step 1 for now. I have it all. Just wait. All you have to do is take the first step. Trust Me. Believe Me.
SO, drum roll please....................................................................................................................................

I am going to school and I am going to start working. I am going to get my Real Estate License! I start Saturday and I am taking weekend classes. I am really excited about this. To say this is out of left field, and I felt like I was thrown a total curve ball, is an understatement!

I can tell you honestly, I thought He moved me here to home school my kids. I would have bet money on it.

I could never done this had He not cleaned out my heart and gotten all the junk out of the way. I was torn down emotionally, only to cry out and need Him desperately and want His ways above mine. I would take the rain all over again, and again, and again. Jesus bring the rain.

He has put this in front of me and I am going to reach out and touch the scepter He has extended.(for those Esther fans!) I will take the next step in faith, because I can not see how He has all the details( my kids, mainly the little girls, my time, my insecurities, etc, etc,)worked out.
I can not even verbalize the excitement I have right now!!!!!!! I am so thrilled to see what He has planned for me.
I am excited to go back to school. I am excited to have some time to myself at school! I am excited to be in an exciting work environment. I am excited at what the opportunity for another income will do for our family. But that's all the future.
Saturday is my first class. Next step. Step 1.